English test new 1-(2017)

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English test new 1-(2017)

Today’s test is based on maha tet 2017



English tet

new english test


1 / 10

choose the proper articles is required . we have …………. hour and ………. half for play. (2017) 

2 / 10

select the combination of numbers so that alphabets arranged according will form a meaningful word:(2017)

     T    N    D    R     A     E

1      2     3    4      5      6

3 / 10

select the correct option : (2017)

4 / 10

fill in the blank with the best alternative (2017)

Bulls : Bellow :  : Mice… 

5 / 10

choose the correct passive form of the given sentence : (2017)

some kind of force was driving me. 

6 / 10

choose the correct most suitable ‘ one word ‘ for the given ‘animals that feed on insects.(2017)

7 / 10

choose the correct ‘antonym ‘ of the given word adore : (2017)

8 / 10

identify which part of the sentence has an error : (2017)

according  /  to me  he is the ideal  / choice for 

     A                              B                        C

performing  /       this roll 


9 / 10

fill in the blank with the correct alternative lion:  club :  : frog : ………………..

10 / 10

fill in the blank  with the correct alternative . it is a news …………… success. (2017)

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maha tet Urdu telegram channelClick here


03/08/2021येथे क्लिक करा
06/08/2021येथे क्लिक करा

english भाषेवर आधारित क्वीज दिलेले आहेत क्वीज च्या पुढील येथे क्लिक करा वर क्लिक करावे .

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new tests 2021

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Maha TET will be held on October 31, 2021,

online preparation for maha tet Marathi and Urdu

first languageClick hereClick here
mathClick hereClick here
science/EVSClick hereClick here
ENGLISHClick hereClick here
social studiesClick hereClick here
child pedagogyClick hereClick here

Maha TET will be held on October 30, 2021

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अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए विभिन्न योजनाएं और सुविधाएं राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक अधिकार दिवस| 18 दिसंबर मराठी पेडागोजी मागील वर्षातील महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न (2024) बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र की निशुल्क प्रश्नोत्तरी-2024 english imp question and answer 2024