English test new 2-(2014)

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English test new 2-(2014)

today’s test is based on maha tet 2014 exam ( part 2)



English tet

new english test


1 / 10

choose the correct ‘Indirect Speech’ of the given sentence : (2014) 

sayali said to ketaki,” Let’s take a taxi now .” 

2 / 10

chosse the correct alternative verb: (2014)

“When we reached the stadium,the players ………….. already.”

3 / 10

choose one-word for the given : (2014) 

“A man who dances to the tunes of his wife .” 

4 / 10

choose ‘opposite ‘ of “pertinent’.  (2014)

5 / 10

choose the correct ‘figure of speech ‘ in the given line: “Exult,O shores,and ring O bells!”  (2014)

6 / 10

which of the following expresses the past perfect continuous tense ?  (2014)

7 / 10

choose the correct spelt word: (2014)

8 / 10

choose the correct alternative for the given:  (2014)

“An insect which has many legs. “

9 / 10

Identify the figure of speech in the given line : (2014)

” O , my love’s like the melodie.”

10 / 10

choose the most correct ‘degree sentence ‘from the given sentence : (2014) 

Your score is

The average score is 46%


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Maha TET will be held on October 31, 2021

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