English test new 1-(2016)

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English test new 1-(2016)

Today’s test is based on maha tet 2016 exam ( part 1)



English tet

new english test


1 / 10

choose the correct preposition in the given sentence : (2016) 

kiran was innocent ………… the guilt.

2 / 10

‘the study of birds ‘ is called : (2016)

3 / 10

choose the correct ‘question tag’ for the given sentence: (2016)

There has been a lot of improvement. 

4 / 10

The correct ‘synonym ‘ of ‘predict’ is : (2016)

5 / 10

choose the correct ‘opposite’  of ‘ endow’: (2016)

6 / 10

the phrase ‘A dark horse ‘ means: (2016)

7 / 10

choose the correct ‘ past perfect tense ‘ sentence from the given sentence : (2016)

8 / 10

choose the gramatically wrong sentence : (2016) 

9 / 10

choose the correct ‘Active Voice’ of the sentence: (2016)

Leopards are surrounded by human settlements.

10 / 10

choose the ‘mis-spelt’ word from the given words: (2016)

Your score is

The average score is 53%


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Maha TET will be held on October 31, 2021

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