english test new 1-(2016)

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english test new 1-(2016)

today’s test is based on previous exam papers of 2016



English tet

new english test


1 / 10

choose the correct ‘wh -question ‘from the following :  (tet-2016)


2 / 10

state what part of speech is the underlined word :  (tet-2016 )

‘the police said that they had reacted as fast   as they could ‘

3 / 10

choose the correct antonym of the given word : ‘Rueful’   (tet-2016)

4 / 10

choose the most suitable ‘one word’ for the given expression :(tet-2016)

5 / 10

In the question below only one among the given alternative is correctly spelt. choose the correct alternative. (tet-2016)

6 / 10

choose the alternative which can correctly substitute the underlined part of the sentence : (tet-2016)

‘He sets in  a sum of money every week for his old age .’

7 / 10

choose the word same in meaning to the give word: ‘Eulogised’  (tet-2016 )

8 / 10

fill in the blank with the correct alternative : (tet-2016)

Apes:Gibber : : Pigd:………………..

9 / 10

choose the proper artical or ‘x’ if no artical is required ;  (tet-2016) 

my father,who is ………… teacher ,goes to …….. school in the morning ‘.

10 / 10

choose the proper alternative to fill in the blank :  (tet-2016)

‘she has a passion……………. music.’

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अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए विभिन्न योजनाएं और सुविधाएं राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक अधिकार दिवस| 18 दिसंबर मराठी पेडागोजी मागील वर्षातील महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न (2024) बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र की निशुल्क प्रश्नोत्तरी-2024 english imp question and answer 2024