evs test no 03 ctet english

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evs test no 03 ctet english

free online test series for ctet 2023

ctet की तयारी के लिए free online test series for ctet 2023 में भाग लीजिये & निशुल्क तयारी कीजिये. पिछले प्रश्न पत्रिका पर आधारित प्रश्नोतरी में निशुल्क भाग लीजिये. विज्ञान /पर्यावरण की तयारी कीजिये.

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विज्ञान /पर्यावरण


EVS test 03 ctet (English)

online preparation of ctet EVS/SCIENCE 

1 / 10

1) Which one of the following insects does not live together in a colony like honeybees?

2 / 10

2) An egret sits on a buffalo, because :

3 / 10

3) “A family is a unit consisting of mother, father and their two children.” this statement is –

4 / 10

4) Which one of the following is not a function of roots for the plant ?

5 / 10

Read the following questions carefully:

“Have you ever seen animals around your house or school that have small babies?

Write their names in the notebook.”

Which process skill is assessed through this question?

6 / 10


‘Kuduk’ is a language of the people of :

7 / 10

7) Interdisciplinary nature of EVS addresses environmental issues by using the contents and methods of :

8 / 10

‘Worli’ is a traditional art form. The place ‘worli’ is the state of :

9 / 10

9) When a snake charmer plays on musical instrument Been, the snake swing its head to and fro to its sound. How do you think the snake responds to the musical instrument ?

10 / 10


As per the NSF , 2005,which one among the following is the theme of EVS ?

Your score is

The average score is 65%



evs test no 03 ctet english


The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi.   

Candidates are advised to refer only authentic Text Books and syllabus suggested by NCTE for preparation in area of education For information on Syllabus, click on Information Bulletin.

Exam process is open, fair and transparent, qualifying CTET is purely on merit, capability and sincere preparation through authentic Text Books

benefits of environmental studies online test series for ctet 2023

  • 1) each test has 10 questions.
  • 2) daily update test of environmental studies.
  • 3) after the test you can check the correct answers of the environmental studies. online test
  • 4) more profit in less time
  • 5) totally free of cost
  • 6) no need for a credit card or to create a paid account it’s totally free of cost.

CTET 2022 Exam Schedule

EventsPaper 1Paper II
Entry in the Examination Centre07:30 am12:30 pm
Checking of Admit Cards09: 00 am to 09:15 am02:00 pm to 02:15 pm
Distribution of Computer09:15 am02:15 pm
Last Entry in the Examination Centre09:30 am02:30 pm
Test Commences09:30 am02:30 pm
Test Concludes12:00 noon05:00 pm
evs test no 03 ctet english
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सीटेट august 2023 का रिजल्ट जारी, डिजी लॉकर पर ऐसे चेक करें परिणाम गणेश चतुर्थी शुभकामनाएँ; download wishing hd images हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध हिंदी दिवस 25 बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न हिंदी दिवस भाषण संग्रह