aptitude test 28 maha taitSpread the loveaptitude test 28 maha tait 0 COMPLETE YOUR QUIZ IN 10 MINURSMAHA TAIT aptitude test 28 maha taitEnglish jumbo test for maha tait 2023 1 / 30While reading for comprehension we understand that some pairs are example of homograph. Which one of the following is a homograph? lead [metal] /lead (give direction) mail { post }/ male [gender] lead [give direction] / dead (mortal ) warm / tepid [ being neither too hot too cold ] 2 / 30the procedure of alphabetic method is—– letter – word – phrases – paragraph letter-word-sentence- paragraph letter- word – phrases – sentences words-phrases-sentences-paragraph 3 / 30select the correct ‘ opposite word ‘ of the given :‘ integral’ independent minor essential major 4 / 30one who is engaged in fighting a battle or war fast military belligerent fighter 5 / 30The government which is run by the rich class ghost plutocracy autocracy rich rule 6 / 30choose the correct spelt word: sattelite satelite satellite sattellite 7 / 30That which is out dated or out of use Stable Ancient Absolute Obsolete 8 / 30which one of the following method is suggested for teaching grammer at primary leval ? Deductive method inductive method Translation method Textbook method 9 / 30Find out the function word from the following And seizing Handsome Champion 10 / 30Flower and Hayes regarded which one of the following akills as ‘problems- creating and solving skill’? Speaking Writing Reading Listening 11 / 30Which one of the following methods of teaching cannot be used interchangeable with each other Direct method Reference method Correlativemethod Incidental method 12 / 30according to observation in the National Crriculam Framework (NCF)-2005, English is a—- language in india global foreign first second 13 / 30a person who is indifferent to pains and pleasures saint hermit recluse stoic 14 / 30Content word are called—- linguistics syntax morphology semantic 15 / 30Content word are called—- empty word Grammatical word functors lexical word 16 / 30according to observation in the National Crriculam Framework (NCF)-2005, English is a—- language in india second foreign first global 17 / 30Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objective is known as technique method approach syllabus 18 / 30‘Cloze’ means ——– close assessing missing part finishing 19 / 30The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal. reading approach grammar translation communicative language teaching total physical response 20 / 30A sight word is a vocabulary item —— that helps in judging the effetiveness of the authors style that the recognizes and find meaningful of sight without a complicated analysis that needs proper visual understanding of the contxt that is to be learnt by heart 21 / 30iconic mode of learning is based on the system of using—– images and diagrams symbols a variety of activities different type of graph 22 / 30which prefix can be with the following word. behave, guide, use ree dis mis in 23 / 30A test Which is administered at the end of a language course for remedial teaching as placement test diagnostic test achievement test memory test 24 / 30the last stage of writing is—- advanced writing controlled writing free writing guided writing 25 / 30identify the adverb in the given sentence enough reveal honest perceive 26 / 30“In the backyard , the dog barked and howled at the cat “is an example of complex sentence complex compound sentence sentence fragment simple sentence 27 / 30The practical of grammatical structure in a controlled manner can be done by gap-filling grammar exercises explaining the use of particular structures writing paragraph and essays correcting wrong sentence produced by learners 28 / 30What do you mean by ‘review’ Guess Evaluation Critical evaluation Assessment 29 / 30“you ask, what has my government done for you? I can answer in two word a lot :The question put up here is —– rhetirical explanetry stylized a promt 30 / 30pick out the word which is correctly spelt ambassader ambassadar ambassador ambassdor Name Your score isThe average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Share this:TelegramWhatsApp