ctet 2022

online preparation 

child development and pedagogy test 04

english edition

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development of the capacity for abstract scientific thinking is a characteristic of ;

formal operational stage

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a child reasons- " you do this for me and i'll do that for you." in which stage of kohlbergs moral reasoning would this fall?

the instrumental purpose orientation

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progressive education:

lays strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking.

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questions encouraging students to voice their individual opinions on issues and reflection while giving reasons for the same , promote:

analytical and critical thinking

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which one of the following statement best sums up the relationship between development and learning?

leaning and development are inter-related in a complex manner.

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which one of these is not a principle of development?

development is governed and determined by culture alone.

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which one of the following statement is most appropriate about intelligence?

intelligence is multi-dimensional having several aspects to it.

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Gender bias refers to :

differential treatment of boys and girl based on expectations due to cultural attitudes

ctet 2022

online preparation 

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