ctet 2022

online preparation 

child development and pedagogy 

child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

The National Curriculum Framework -2005 derives its understanding from -


child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

Patterns of divergent thinking identify children, who are -


child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

Which one of the following is not a limitation of the preoperational thought?

Development of the symbolic thought

child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

''Thought not only determines language, but also precedes it.'' was an idea put forward by:

Jean Piaget

child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

The amount and the type of scaffolding to a child would change depending on the :

Level of the child's performance

child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

A child's reasons- 'you do this for me and I''ll do that for you.'In which stage of Kohlberg's moral reasoning would this child fall ?

The instrumental purpose orientation

child development and pedagogy

Yellow Browser

Which one of the following is not a limitation of the preoperational thought?

Development of the symbolic thought

ctet 2022

online preparation 

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बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र