ctet 2022

online preparation 

child development and pedagogy test 05

english edition

Yellow Browser

''Thought not only determines language, but also precedes it.'' was an idea put forward by:

Jean Piaget

Yellow Browser

Which of the following is a principle of development ?

it does not proceed at the same pace for all

Yellow Browser

''Society determines the roles of male and female.'' This statement articulates -

Gender as a social construct.

Yellow Browser

The stages in which a child begin to think logically about object and event is known as :

Concrete operational stage (7-11 year)

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Which of the following is NOT a principle of development ?

development is universal and culture content do not influence it .

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In which of the following periods does physical growth and development occur at a rapid pace ?

Infancy and early chilghood

Yellow Browser

Gender bias refers to :

differential treatment of boys and girl based on expectations due to cultural attitudes

ctet 2022

online preparation 

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